Fire Department - Cowley County Fire District IV

The City of Udall and the surrounding area is protected by Cowley County Fire District IV.  The fire district was formed in 1980 and is an all volunteer fire department that protects all of Maple, Ninnescah and Rock Township in Cowley County, Kansas. We also protect 12 sections of Gore Township in Sumner County and 6 sections of Fairview Township in Cowley County.  The total size of our fire district is 132 square miles and a population of 2,600 people. 

We have 20 active volunteers and work out of two stations.  Our main station is located in Udall and we have a sub station in Rock.  We currently have 1 engine, 1 combination engine/tanker, 1 tanker, 1 pumper, 1 rescue and 3 grass rig

If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing and emergency, please dial 911.

For the Cowley County Fire District IV website click here

Contact Info

Randy Hoffman
Fire Chief
[email protected]